Orewa surf beach

Kiora Bloggers ,

last week Hay park senior students  went on a trip to orewa beach  the trip was so fun , a day after we started to write a recount about the trip we went on. The first thing we did was write down a plan using bullet points then we had to write it on a doc the hard thing about  my writing was making sure i had good paragraphing  and having different punctuation my favourite thing about my writing was re writing the the hole  trip out.

Isla’s New dinosaur friend

Talofa lava, Bloggers in the last couple of weeks We have been writing a story of  a girl who meets a dinosaur, first we had to write in our writing book then once  we were done we had to type it onto  a google doc then put it on to our blogs, what I found hard was you sing  difficult words putting punctuation in the right places what I enjoyed was finishing my story.

all the media i use

talofa lava bloggers today we have been learning  about what media  we use here is a picture of some media i use.

The Unlucky Girl

kia ora Bloggers

I have been learning how to make a movie. It was great fun. I enjoyed working with other children. I enjoyed the drama and acting. Overcoming the challenges e.g. people being absent, technical difficulties and making the movie on time.


Please watch my movie and leave a comment.

<iframe src=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cwyKII3UvcwTE9dA2p-jnftaxuWCry1X/preview” width=”640″ height=”480″ allow=”autoplay”></iframe>

Comic strip -sharing

Kia Orana  Bloggers

Whaea Tanya  forgot what we share on blogs,to help her we made a comic strip<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTE_Jd1LLP09gij7iF5PWHEKU5vhkqW_zci1C68lBnbqG5x_wnBuYLGJDE0U5a5Tcc2UX7preZd1Y1_/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000″ frameborder=”0″ width=”480″ height=”519″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>